
Oversight of special services’ in Poland does not meet democratic standards: watchdog

According to the Supreme Audit Office (NIK), a watchdog for public spending and the transparency of public institutions, the current system overseeing the activities of special services in the country is ineffective and does not meet democratic standards. The body has also expressed concerns and filed six criminal notifications.

In its recent audit, NIK scrutinized the coordination, supervision, and control of special services conducting operational tasks in Poland. While the findings remain undisclosed, they were discussed during a closed session of the Parliamentary Committee on Special Services.

A statement released on the NIK website revealed that the Chamber submitted six criminal notifications regarding potential obstruction of oversight.

NIK emphasized that Poland’s oversight mechanism for special services does not ensure efficient supervision or guarantee compliance with legal provisions or the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms during operations.

It was added that this is “the result not only of flawed organizational and legal solutions but also of blatant negligence on the part of entities responsible for overseeing the functioning of special services.”

The audit encompassed high-ranking officials, including the Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator of Special Services, Chairman of the Special Services Oversight Committee, Minister of National Defense, and heads of special services.
Source: PAP, nik.gov.pl
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