Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, who arrived for the proceedings of the Venice Commission on Friday, told the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that his presence at this session is an opportunity to repair relations with the advisory body of the Council of Europe on constitutional law after years of tension.
Minister Bodnar added that he would like the Commission to engage in the process of judicial changes in Poland.
“As for my personal relations with the Venice Commission, they have been good because whenever its representatives were in Poland, they could count on support from the Ombudsman, and all those who fought for the rule of law,” he said.
“However, I am well aware that the diplomatic relations between the Polish government and the Venice Commission were quite tense and probably not suitable for a decent country in the middle of Europe, in the middle of the European Union,” the minister admitted.
“I have always emphasized that representatives of countries from across the Atlantic, such as the United States, are also part of the Venice Commission, and they are outstanding lawyers,” the Minister of Justice recalled.
Bodnar explained that the purpose of his visit is not only a purely courteous or diplomatic visit. “But also to present what is happening in Poland and to invite the Venice Commission to engage in the process of changes in Poland.”
The program of Friday’s proceedings in Venice includes an exchange of opinions with Bodnar on the rule of law in Poland and a speech by the minister.
“As for my personal relations with the Venice Commission, they have been good because whenever its representatives were in Poland, they could count on support from the Ombudsman, and all those who fought for the rule of law,” he said.
“However, I am well aware that the diplomatic relations between the Polish government and the Venice Commission were quite tense and probably not suitable for a decent country in the middle of Europe, in the middle of the European Union,” the minister admitted.
“I have always emphasized that representatives of countries from across the Atlantic, such as the United States, are also part of the Venice Commission, and they are outstanding lawyers,” the Minister of Justice recalled.
Bodnar explained that the purpose of his visit is not only a purely courteous or diplomatic visit. “But also to present what is happening in Poland and to invite the Venice Commission to engage in the process of changes in Poland.”
The program of Friday’s proceedings in Venice includes an exchange of opinions with Bodnar on the rule of law in Poland and a speech by the minister.