An appeasement policy may seem like an easier path, but I fear it could lead to a rift between the U.S. and its allies, Poland’s Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said during a Monday speech at the Atlantic Council think tank. He also warned that if Putin is not defeated, he will not stop at Ukraine.
“I realize that appeasement may seem an easier path but it is in fact a dead end.
If America cannot come together with Europe and enable Ukraine to drive Putin back, I fear that our family of democratic nations will start to break up. Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their safety. Some of them will aim for the ultimate weapon starting off a new nuclear race,” Sikorski said during a lecture in Washington.
In doing so, he warned that if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it will go further and move closer to NATO's borders. He pointed out nonetheless, the good news is that Putin will decide on such steps “only if he thinks he can get away with it.”.
“It is up to us to decide if we want to shape that course ourselves, or let it be shaped by others – in Moscow, Teheran or Beijing. Helping Ukraine by defeating Putin is the right thing to do in the broadest sense of the word. It is morally sound, strategically wise, militarily justified and economically beneficial. It outweighs politics. It transcends partisanship. Now is the moment to act. Let's get this done,” the foreign minister resounded.
In doing so, he warned that if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it will go further and move closer to NATO's borders. He pointed out nonetheless, the good news is that Putin will decide on such steps “only if he thinks he can get away with it.”.
“It is up to us to decide if we want to shape that course ourselves, or let it be shaped by others – in Moscow, Teheran or Beijing. Helping Ukraine by defeating Putin is the right thing to do in the broadest sense of the word. It is morally sound, strategically wise, militarily justified and economically beneficial. It outweighs politics. It transcends partisanship. Now is the moment to act. Let's get this done,” the foreign minister resounded.
Today, chief of 🇵🇱 diplomacy @sikorskiradek took part in an event organised by the @AtlanticCouncil entitled „The steps to victory”.
— Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇵🇱 (@PolandMFA) February 26, 2024
Read the full speech ⬇️
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