
Christmas sees Poland reigning as EU’s largest carp producer again

Photo: 	Mirosław Trembecki/ PAP
Photo: Mirosław Trembecki/ PAP
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Poland consistently ranks as a top carp producer in the EU, with annual production fluctuating between 17,000 and 21,000 tons, accounting for over 20% of the EU’s total. Almost all of Poland's carp production is sold within the domestic market, according to Deputy Head of the National Agriculture Support Center (KOWR) Marcin Wroński.

In 2022, Poland’s carp production amounted to 17,800 tons and accounted for more than 30% of the country’s freshwater fish catch volume, the KOWR official reported.

Carp in Poland

The carp is primarily a cultivated fish that, within a three-year cycle, grows to a commercial weight ranging from 1.5 kg to 3 kg. Thanks to established methods of organization and supply chain management, the fish is delivered to retail points within a 24-48 hour cycle, ensuring a high guarantee of freshness for consumers and highlighting its regional character, Wroński stated.

He emphasized that for most Poles, carp is intrinsically linked to Christmas traditions. During this period, the demand for carp among Polish consumers peaks, with approximately 90% of the yearly domestic carp production being sold in the two weeks leading up to Christmas.

Not only good for Christmas

The deputy head of KOWR highlighted that carp producers aim to demystify this fish, encouraging its consumption throughout the year.

According to Wroński, carp meat is not only characterized by its easily digestible protein and richness in unsaturated fatty acids but also stands out for its impressive nutritional profile. Carp muscle contains over twice the calcium found in trout tissue and more than 3.5 times that of salmon meat.

Additionally, carp serves as a valuable source of essential B vitamins (B1, B6, B12, and PP), as well as vitamins A and D, along with a spectrum of vital minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron, sulfur, and magnesium.

Exports, imports

Poland’s carp exports remain relatively modest. In 2022, data from the Office of Analysis and Strategy at KOWR revealed that Poland exported a total of 232 tons of carp, marking a 50% decline compared to 2021. The primary destinations for Polish carp in 2022 included the United Kingdom (43%), Germany (17%), Lithuania, Ukraine, and the Netherlands.

Wroński highlighted that these export volumes are limited because the primary focus of domestic carp production in Poland is to meet internal demand, with carp imports serving as supplementary and seasonal additions.

Throughout 2022, Poland imported nearly 2,000 tons of carp, an increase from the 1,700 tons imported the previous year, with approximately 70% of these imports occurring during the November-December period.

It’s worth noting that the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania are significant carp producers within the European Union as well.
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